GitHub's Latest Updates: Skills, Security, and Achievements

14 June 2022

What's new in GitHub?

New Products 🏅 You can now create GitHub native courses with GitHub Skills. It was created through a mix of GitHub Actions and template repositories. GitHub Skills

🔒 GitHub open-sourced a project it uses for IAM internally - Entitlements. TLDR: It can take pull information about org structure from LDAP, other repo, etc. and create org and team memberships. At a first glance, it is too little to replace GitHub Management for us, but it's certainly going to be a great source of inspiration. Entitlements - GitHub's Open Source Identity and Access Management Solution

🦔 GitHub Achievements! More badges on your profile! It'd be cool if it was possible to create internal achievements, but I don't think it's coming any time soon. Achievements - Recognizing the Many Stages of a Developer's Coding Journey

GitHub Actions 🦄 They've finally unified how one can access inputs in workflow_dispatch and workflow_call workflows. GitHub Actions Inputs Unified Across Manual and Reusable Workflows

🕸️ Here's a neat little post about how to connect to a private network from hosted runners. Connecting to a Private Network from GitHub Hosted Actions Runners

Security ⛓️ Supply chain security features are now available for Rust too! GitHub Brings Supply Chain Security Features to the Rust Community